My partner and I have been researching about how a person can get over there fears of reptiles, such as snakes lizards and many other scary reptiles. We are using techniques such as psychology and self-hypnosis to overcome our biggest fears of reptiles. Together we are using different kinds of methods that involve funny drawings of the reptiles. This will make us understand that there is nothing to be scared of reptiles, and they do no harm to us. My partner Kuldish and I have been researching places where we can go visit reptiles to overcome our fears. Together we found a decent place that has more than 90 reptiles and 250 animals, at the Cinema Reptile center. When we visit the reptile center we will take pictures and make videos of us holding the reptiles and overcoming our fears. The site we have visited to find the location and to gain more knowledge about the Cinema Reptile center is:, The sites we have used to find out more about psychology and self- hypnosis are, and We also read many books to gain more information about techniques to overcome fears. We are planning to visit the reptile center near the end of December,  and try to see if this genius hour project is a positive outcome.  

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